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My name is Héloïse. I was born in 1983 in Paris.

Growing up, I was not a very focused student. I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life, so I followed the path that was put in front of me.

This took me to University, then Business School, and in 2007 I started working in advertising as a project manager, attracted by the cool workspace and the fast-paced environment.

From there, I started climbing the ladder. Over the course of 15 years, I worked in renowned agencies, for prestigious clients, gained international experience, won several awards and got promoted to International Account Director.

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On paper life was good.

It looked like I had ticked all the boxes. I was destined for a bright future, a comfortable salary, a nice apartment and vacations abroad every year.

But the reality was that I was spending my week working and my weekends recovering.

The hamster wheel was spinning at full speed. I was exhausted, stressed out and the feeling that I was missing out on my life grew inside me year after year.

My work was lacking meaning and purpose and I felt like I was constantly in survival mode, counting the days to the next break.

Something had to change.

But how? I felt stuck. And scared. 

What did I want? What if I failed? What would others say?

To find the answers to my questions, I tried everything. I went travelling alone, read dozens of self-help books, and spoke with family and friends. But nothing worked.

Until my friend, Amélie asked, “Have you considered working with a coach?”

I was sceptical at first but I had tried everything else. So I took the leap.

Image by Christoffer Engström

And then my life changed forever.

Through a journey of self-discovery, I gained confidence and clarity. I redesigned my life to fit my values and aspirations.


This led me to leave Paris, my job, and my flat. I moved to the south of Portugal and reconnected with my love for surfing. 

I have since started a new adventure in Cape Town, alongside my South African partner.

I've never felt more alive, more aligned and at peace.

From this experience, I discovered the impact of coaching and I had to share it with the world.

I decided to become a coach myself. My mission in life is clear. I help people to find their way back to a fulfilling professional and personal life.

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